Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy mothers Day!!

A few minutes ago I was talking with my mother. She was good. I missed my mother's food. Otherwise I'm good :D

  :D  I want to share some pictures from animals' mothers. Animal’s family life is a little different by us, right? We are always in communication with them  but animals! :d  Ok my son! You have already became adult Cheetah. I let you unbind go and never come back: D and additionally don't enter your sister's territory.

                                     I want to share a little story that I know.
One day, in the beautiful forest, one orangutan was playing on the tree and thinking to understand who is he really. It was 24 years old monkey and he got married 44 years old divorcee lady orangutan. She has 25 years old daughter. "  My father got married with this 25 years old lady. Therefore my father became my son-in-low because he got married with my bride's daughter. I got a new son end of this year and my son became my wife's daughter's brother also my father's sister's husband too. In additionally he became uncle because of he is my mother's brother. So my son became my uncle. Last year my father got a son. He is my father’s son because of this he is my brother and also he is my grandson because of he is my daughter’s son. OMG ! So I’m brother of my grandson.  If we thing one mother’s child of father is her husband, I’m father of my wife’s daughter and I’m brother of my daughter’s son. Shortly, I’m grandfather of myself. “After a few minutes later he climbed the highest tree of the jungle and jumped down.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

by ultimate fun

Today, I went to court about my friend’s ticket.  We walked door to door to learn what we will do there. We finished our works in 30 minutes and we turn back but the traffic was terrible and we spent more than 2 hours to go home. Now I have still headache because of traffic and sunshine. I couldn’t sleep in car and I can’t now too. I’m very tired as a psychological in a day. I will try to watch new episodes of The Big Bang Theory. I really love this sitcom. There are 4 very smart men and beautiful women in the story. The men are scientist and they have very high I.Q. and many ultimate skills. They are working at university to develop future technology and international researches.  They love playing Computer games, reading comics and many crazy things which normal people don’t understand why they love these things.
--Sheldon Cooper is lead character and I’m his ultimate fun. He began college 11 years old and he earned his first title Ph.D at 16. He is Theoretical Physicist and his I.Q is 187. He can’t understand irony, sarcasm and humor. He has a girlfriend, Amy Farrah Fowler. Sheldon live an apartment with Leonard Hofstadter.
--Amy Farrah Fowler is a Neuroscientist and has doctorate degree. Sheldon like Amy but he always says; she is a girl and is his friend, but she is not his "girlfriend" because he thinks, if Einstein had not have too much girlfriend, he would not have mistake at his theory. On the other hand Amy wants to try something but believe same things. Amy kissed Sheldon only one time and then vomited half an hour.
--Leonard Hofstadter. Leonard has only one PH.D and His I.Q is 173. He received his Ph.D when he was 24 years old. He has a little romantic, a little sexual ideas about women. He had relationship with their neighbor Penny but now after Leslie he fell in love with Priya. He signed Sheldon’s lease contract but doesn’t complain too much because he believe Sheldon is the one man who is really quirky but very faithful and equitable alive thing in the universe. He was trying chemical something at home and Sheldon realized something wrong. Sheldon took his experiment and throw elevator then the elevator exploded. After that day Leonard believed Sheldon good friend and  didn't go anywhere.
 --Penny   is blonde and hot. She works Cheesecake Factory as a waitress. Leonard was usually paying her bills even though they break their relationship by met with Priya. She has no degree or college title but she has many boyfriends asuncountable. Nowadays she gets jealous about Priya.

--Howard Wolowitz is an Aerospace Engineer and just has Master degree.  He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. He can talk 7 different languages and learns everyday new one. He doesn’t have any girlfriend and he obsessed with girl. He always brings something home from FBI’s federal research or NASA’s researches without say anybody, secretly. He is using FBI's special robot arms to service his friends. Many times FBI came Sheldon's house to investigate but he never say anything. At this picture Sheldon little more anxious because he remembered The Sarah Conner Chronicles Terminator. "Today robot arm, tomorrow Terminators. We have to destroy it for future. " LD
--Rajesh Koothrappali is a astrophysicist, from Indian. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol (or thinks he has been drinking alcohol). Bu he is luckier than Howard about girl. He has many sexual relationships. He has a sister and her name is Priya.
--Priya Koothrappali is a lawyer and graduated from Cambridge. She is Leonard new girlfriend and Rajesh's sister. The other girls don’t like her because of Penny’s old relationship with Leonard.
--Leslie Winkle is an Experimental Physicist and has a Ph.D. too. Sheldon don’t like her because he is Theoretical Physicist. They always fight when they get together. Sheldon made divorced Leslie and Leonard with sly trick because Leslie was always coming their home and making sounds to bother Sheldon.
       If you want to learn more things about these people, you can find many things from here …

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

who feel bad things? Are they or us ?

I can realize that why god loves us too much as a human despite of we are doing everything that god said don’t do it.   :D   We can do everything if we need or want something. Impossible is nothing for us.  Such that, some of us can make incredible things like this man.  Some of us manage the world to make it more peaceful and some of us destroy the world in order to nobody can use after them.
 Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist and caused many people death but now he is poisoning all America. I think this was his last game that he taught people that you can be happy from other people’s death.  Killers or assassins aren’t get happy with what they did but today in the street some of people singing and laughing behind of one death person. I think this was the real subject. this is not true.
Everyday nearly 200000 innocent,guilty, young or old people die in the world. I thing we don’t have enough time to sing a song. Let bad people leave alone with themselves what they do or want because we can’t prevent them exactly. If we try to destroy them, what are the differences between us. We have to protect our minds to live peaceful and really erase them if we want.  
Look the picture to see how we are excellent. Don’t give them their wishes. Just do your best for people goodness.

For more picture and video you can visit this page,,,