Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mad Men are everywhere

I can say that I didn’t do anythings at my holiday. I have read something and I watched a few movies and TV series. The series was ‘’’’’Mad Men’’’’. I have finished season 1 and now I’m end of season 2. Sometimes some parts were too complicated but I watched non-stop. Another thing that made me cocky was I had victories 2 times consecutively at my home mate’s best game.  He was supposing that he was best player on the universe. According to his story he was playing this game for more than 4 years and I wouldn’t win the game by the time I prove him that he doesn’t know how to play :) despite of it was my first game. If he hadn’t been boasting about himself while I was installing the game to my computer, I wouldn’t have finished his work so mercilessly and his friends couldn’t have smiled too much to his situation. He humiliated himself about this game. He was boasting about his skills about this game to friends for many years but I haven’t known anything about these conversations.  
Hehe another thing, it is very weird.  I had designed new bracelet lock for my friend, he has jewelry store. My design had gone China nearly 2 months ago and 3 days ago our first prototype came and it was awesome :) it came with my friends rival companies label  /;O) the product was my design but logo and label were different :F 


  1. I haven't seen Mad Men. I hear that it's very good, though. Maybe I'll have a Mad Men marathon this summer when I have more free time. That's very exciting about your jewelry design. I'm not sure I understand the end of your post, though. Did you not get credit you should have received?

  2. I hope you may have this marathon. :) it is going very impressive for me.

  3. By the way i added new sentences to my writing. :)

  4. sometimes, I wish that you could be touch our blogs like our normal writings?

  5. You made your post clearer. Thank you. By "touch our blogs" do you mean "correct" them? I can't possibly correct approximately 50 blogs a week on top of all the other correcting I do. In addition, the purpose is fluency, not accuracy. If there are particular postings or parts of postings you have questions about, feel free to print them out double spaced and talk to me about them. I'll correct them for you.
