Sunday, February 27, 2011

I miss school

Finally school is starting tomorrow. I’m really bored. Probably tomorrow I will repent my words but today is today. I had nothing on my vacation because I worked during my vacation. I hate this kind of things. Nothing + nothing = nothing. This is math of life and I hate only this equation in math that f (t)dt=t ( -infinity + infinity = infinity ). *Impossible is nothing but how? I spent 9 day but I’m feeling that I didn’t earn anything in this 9 day. Mathematical logic ( my life-9 day = my life ). Sometimes I’m spending my time to think that we are spending our lives in time. If you believe destiny like me you know what I say. Doesn’t work and go wheresoever you go because destiny will find you. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm tired

For last 4 days I was helping my friend to design his new game. The story was starting with four scientists are going old Sumerian hidden city from the U.S. to old Sumerian city. Some unknown phantoms were taking captive all of scientist and nobody can find them. My friend was going Sumerian old city to find and save them and bring back in the story. I draw main characters of story and some Sumerian figures and gravures to put background. I draw a lot of figures and I tired. After March I will be able to play this game. Game will be 2D like Super Mario. Characters had to be so small in the game and I inspired other game characters from internet to learn how to use my characters in the game .
Now I want to sleep.
Good night.

Monday, February 21, 2011

online dictionaries

This is my first and most important reason to learn English that I want to understand what I read on the web pages of science channels. English is a most used language for articles in the world. I really love reading this kind of things especially about science and new technologic developments from all over the world. 

Nowadays I can understand what I read and of course I’m using dictionary too. It is very convenient to use web pages. First of all I have to move my mouse pointer on the unknown words and after double click I can see some explanations in the yellow small box to learn meanings of words. I think it’s very useful and also free. I was using Babylon and I can say it’s very professional if I do right click on the unknown words. Babylon is showing very specific things. For example it gives meanings with 4 or 5 words and 2 or 3 different thesaurus which is most used in the world moreover it is giving all parts of speech in a little command if you want to look. Babylon is not free application. This is different exe from internet explorer but I could use without internet connection with all dictionaries. If I want, I can choose my full dictionaries like Longman or Oxford With all specifications in this application. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I know real birds are more beautiful than this robot but this is a robot. It has many capabilities like micro camera, infrared sensors and flying skills. I don’t know how much money they have spent to develop this project but the other scientist from Japan’s Chiba University who developed same project had  $ 2.1 million project resource.
Sometimes I’m thinking our future. I can say easily that we will be live together with every kind of robots. This is just my opinion. They’ll help us to make easier our lives. These little things will be our new eyes to watch our children and ill relatives or our hands.

Have you seen the movie of Will Smith, I, Robot (2004)? Movie was so innovative for most people seven years ago despite of The Terminator (1984). Lately we can see this kind of news in our lives now.

Have you ever thought that technologic developments are faster than stories of movies? For example ''I, Robots'' had told us something about technologies of 2035s in summer of 2004 but we have nearly everything which we saw in the movie. We have not seen these products in the street, that’s all. Actually I would like to see these robots in my life as quick as possible.
Have you ever heard these words? These words are coming from Terminator Salvation (2009) which I’m going to go to watch now.
This is John Connor if you are listening to this, you are the resistance…

Thursday, February 17, 2011

intelligence animals

If you like Classic music, this is will be good choice for everyone. 
This is my favorite soprano whom phonetics are excellent in this video. 
What do you think?
I think classic music is the best option to rest our minds. 
If you don't believe me, please look the videos of clever parrots.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What time is it ?

       Do we know something about Space? How much?
       This Valentine’s Day gift comes from NASA’s scientists. This is incredible black hole image. This cosmic ring was published by NASA for all lovers. This image comes from 430 million lights years far away, from Arp147. Scientists took this picture with Hubble Space Telescope. In recent years everybody knows this telescope’s name. In everyday Hubble is giving us fascinating images from space, far away from Earth. We can learn a lot of information or we can get a lot of ideas and proofs with using this high-tech device.
If we think light’s speed is 299 792 458 m/second and the most biggest dimension is 1.3 second at between Earth and Moon, this picture have to be too old nearly 430 million light years.
         From other hand 1 light-year is equal to Exactly 9, 460, 730, 472, 580, 8 km (about 9.5pm). We had not born while these lights are rising in the cosmos. Think about like we are looking old pictures comes from 430 million light years ago. What is happening on the cosmos now? We know our Earth has more 50 million years, no more. In my opinion nobody never reach my question’s answer. 

No definition found.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Age, New Place

Today is my birthday. Last year at this time, I had a permission to go outside. I went city centre with my 3 friends. We were eating lunch at Oasis club Antalya. I was soldier.  :D. I had very good time on there. Now I’m here with you. I couldn’t remember when last time that I had my family at my birthday was. I’m usually being far away from my home at my birthday. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Accident! we have to be careful .

This morning I was thinking that I will be late for school because I moved at 7.25 am from home but nearly I would not be late. I moved out so late from home nearly 30 minutes late and moreover the traffic was so bad because of an accident. I could not understand cause of accident. One car was turnover and it was waiting on the middle of the way turnover and the other car was just nearby. We waited 10 minutes on there but after the accident place traffic was so fast. Almost I could arrive class at time. This was so abnormal situation for me because I always move out at 7.00 am from home. So, I’m happy because I could get on time at class.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh monkey

       Sometimes I need this kind of tool in my car. This monkey is   quite functional to use at the road. Nearly 3 months ago, my friend and I were going somewhere with our car and we have got to make a mistake to change our line and we did it.   We changed our line from left to right line to move out exit. Wow it was awesome sounds of klaxon were coming every side. It was so funny but I know it was so dangerous. If I have a monkey on there, probably I would push the button to let the monkey unbind.  :D

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Soup time

I felt myself a little bit hungry and I want to hot drinkable something to eat. I have already had Lentil soup at my kitchen.  I made it in 10 minutes and I drank 2 bowls.  Now, I'm drinking my third bowl of soup. I put some spicy into my cocky soup. I really love thyme and mint with my foods. Tonight I used a pinch of hot pepper at my soup. Soup has made me relaxed and my gates of brain are still opening by Hot pepper.  Finally, I really don’t like this part of foods that I have to wash dishes .  I have to go as a cook because My dishes are waiting me. I don't want to be late my met with dishes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let me go Bali

I love flowers, every kind of flowers. I had a lot of different flowers on my home before my rabbit ate all of them with its onions. I couldn't  understand when I saw my beautiful flowers' situation. My rabbits’ names are Harry and Hermione. :D

I will always love lakes. I’m feeling very peaceful when I go a lake.  I have 7 big natural lakes on my native city, Bursa. I love biking or walking  near the lakes .I can say this is my lifestyle.

The foreign cultures people’s life always takes my interest.Green lands or traditional houses maybe loneliness takes my interest in this place.

I loved this picture; I loved this fascinating colors combination of dreamy temple. I don’t know what they are doing but this picture awaked something at my heart.

If you want to watch this video, please visit at below link .
I captured these pictures from this soothing video.  Video and sounds very smooth . .

If you need a plugin for watch this video , don't worry ! This web site  is clear , you can install plugins, just follow the directions.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

oh my god ! again ?

Nassau Community College

Note: All classes that begin before 11:30 AM, February 2, have been canceled. (That means that your 11:00 AM class is canceled)

Ha Ha

I hate this Orange


Coffee is the best thing after snoop, I really love this drink.
 I like to make my own coffee at my house. Look this picture. Can you drink this kind of coffee outside?  I think, No!  How beautiful? Isn't it?

 I bought Bustelo Supreme(Freezze Dried Coffee) and I didn't know this brand before come The U.S.  I went to Shop to take a coffee and I could find just Bustelo. It is very satisfactory, a little more bitter but I have milk on my refrigerator.When I put the my cup in microwave oven , my milk is foaming and I can draw something like at above but my design not as good as its drawing because I don't use coffee cream  .I found a coffee tasting flavor wheel, it’s interesting. You can try coffee kinds at your home if you interest. Today i put into my coffee a spoon of honey after find the wheel.
I want to try all combination in wheel as much as possible. i like to try this kind of things but sometimes I had  bad surprises . This is funny                 sides of trying new things.

I found these cups at the internet, while I was surfing. I like it. These are terrific and owwww. It has a cap for prevent to cooling down. If I could see somewhere these cups, probably I would buy it. 
Vader coffee time, every Friday! 
This is one way to go dark side of the Universe. Join and Watch, what's happening on dark side?
Sound very cool.