Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy mothers Day!!

A few minutes ago I was talking with my mother. She was good. I missed my mother's food. Otherwise I'm good :D

  :D  I want to share some pictures from animals' mothers. Animal’s family life is a little different by us, right? We are always in communication with them  but animals! :d  Ok my son! You have already became adult Cheetah. I let you unbind go and never come back: D and additionally don't enter your sister's territory.

                                     I want to share a little story that I know.
One day, in the beautiful forest, one orangutan was playing on the tree and thinking to understand who is he really. It was 24 years old monkey and he got married 44 years old divorcee lady orangutan. She has 25 years old daughter. "  My father got married with this 25 years old lady. Therefore my father became my son-in-low because he got married with my bride's daughter. I got a new son end of this year and my son became my wife's daughter's brother also my father's sister's husband too. In additionally he became uncle because of he is my mother's brother. So my son became my uncle. Last year my father got a son. He is my father’s son because of this he is my brother and also he is my grandson because of he is my daughter’s son. OMG ! So I’m brother of my grandson.  If we thing one mother’s child of father is her husband, I’m father of my wife’s daughter and I’m brother of my daughter’s son. Shortly, I’m grandfather of myself. “After a few minutes later he climbed the highest tree of the jungle and jumped down.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

by ultimate fun

Today, I went to court about my friend’s ticket.  We walked door to door to learn what we will do there. We finished our works in 30 minutes and we turn back but the traffic was terrible and we spent more than 2 hours to go home. Now I have still headache because of traffic and sunshine. I couldn’t sleep in car and I can’t now too. I’m very tired as a psychological in a day. I will try to watch new episodes of The Big Bang Theory. I really love this sitcom. There are 4 very smart men and beautiful women in the story. The men are scientist and they have very high I.Q. and many ultimate skills. They are working at university to develop future technology and international researches.  They love playing Computer games, reading comics and many crazy things which normal people don’t understand why they love these things.
--Sheldon Cooper is lead character and I’m his ultimate fun. He began college 11 years old and he earned his first title Ph.D at 16. He is Theoretical Physicist and his I.Q is 187. He can’t understand irony, sarcasm and humor. He has a girlfriend, Amy Farrah Fowler. Sheldon live an apartment with Leonard Hofstadter.
--Amy Farrah Fowler is a Neuroscientist and has doctorate degree. Sheldon like Amy but he always says; she is a girl and is his friend, but she is not his "girlfriend" because he thinks, if Einstein had not have too much girlfriend, he would not have mistake at his theory. On the other hand Amy wants to try something but believe same things. Amy kissed Sheldon only one time and then vomited half an hour.
--Leonard Hofstadter. Leonard has only one PH.D and His I.Q is 173. He received his Ph.D when he was 24 years old. He has a little romantic, a little sexual ideas about women. He had relationship with their neighbor Penny but now after Leslie he fell in love with Priya. He signed Sheldon’s lease contract but doesn’t complain too much because he believe Sheldon is the one man who is really quirky but very faithful and equitable alive thing in the universe. He was trying chemical something at home and Sheldon realized something wrong. Sheldon took his experiment and throw elevator then the elevator exploded. After that day Leonard believed Sheldon good friend and  didn't go anywhere.
 --Penny   is blonde and hot. She works Cheesecake Factory as a waitress. Leonard was usually paying her bills even though they break their relationship by met with Priya. She has no degree or college title but she has many boyfriends asuncountable. Nowadays she gets jealous about Priya.

--Howard Wolowitz is an Aerospace Engineer and just has Master degree.  He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. He can talk 7 different languages and learns everyday new one. He doesn’t have any girlfriend and he obsessed with girl. He always brings something home from FBI’s federal research or NASA’s researches without say anybody, secretly. He is using FBI's special robot arms to service his friends. Many times FBI came Sheldon's house to investigate but he never say anything. At this picture Sheldon little more anxious because he remembered The Sarah Conner Chronicles Terminator. "Today robot arm, tomorrow Terminators. We have to destroy it for future. " LD
--Rajesh Koothrappali is a astrophysicist, from Indian. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol (or thinks he has been drinking alcohol). Bu he is luckier than Howard about girl. He has many sexual relationships. He has a sister and her name is Priya.
--Priya Koothrappali is a lawyer and graduated from Cambridge. She is Leonard new girlfriend and Rajesh's sister. The other girls don’t like her because of Penny’s old relationship with Leonard.
--Leslie Winkle is an Experimental Physicist and has a Ph.D. too. Sheldon don’t like her because he is Theoretical Physicist. They always fight when they get together. Sheldon made divorced Leslie and Leonard with sly trick because Leslie was always coming their home and making sounds to bother Sheldon.
       If you want to learn more things about these people, you can find many things from here …

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

who feel bad things? Are they or us ?

I can realize that why god loves us too much as a human despite of we are doing everything that god said don’t do it.   :D   We can do everything if we need or want something. Impossible is nothing for us.  Such that, some of us can make incredible things like this man.  Some of us manage the world to make it more peaceful and some of us destroy the world in order to nobody can use after them.
 Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist and caused many people death but now he is poisoning all America. I think this was his last game that he taught people that you can be happy from other people’s death.  Killers or assassins aren’t get happy with what they did but today in the street some of people singing and laughing behind of one death person. I think this was the real subject. this is not true.
Everyday nearly 200000 innocent,guilty, young or old people die in the world. I thing we don’t have enough time to sing a song. Let bad people leave alone with themselves what they do or want because we can’t prevent them exactly. If we try to destroy them, what are the differences between us. We have to protect our minds to live peaceful and really erase them if we want.  
Look the picture to see how we are excellent. Don’t give them their wishes. Just do your best for people goodness.

For more picture and video you can visit this page,,,

Saturday, April 30, 2011

traditional night

Last night I was at the Stony Brook university student party: D It was fascinating for me because I have ever watched many Indian people together at board while they were performing their traditional dancing arts. I watched many performances that they present for them. I was a guest there, :D and they didn’t know this. There were many people especially girls had different beautiful traditional clothes. Also I worried how it could possible that everyone had worn different clothes. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Magnificient Pi

What are these computers wrong? Is it possible? Can it compute sixty trillion parallel Pi process in a step? How about my child times? How about eight multi games Atari console? Did I born early?  I will have hated super computers by the time I get one of them. 
 By the way I couldn’t pass the road today. I couldn’t understand why it happened but happened. I went test with my friend and he couldn’t too. We came back home empty pocket and many ideas: D

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I want fly too!

Mad Men are everywhere

I can say that I didn’t do anythings at my holiday. I have read something and I watched a few movies and TV series. The series was ‘’’’’Mad Men’’’’. I have finished season 1 and now I’m end of season 2. Sometimes some parts were too complicated but I watched non-stop. Another thing that made me cocky was I had victories 2 times consecutively at my home mate’s best game.  He was supposing that he was best player on the universe. According to his story he was playing this game for more than 4 years and I wouldn’t win the game by the time I prove him that he doesn’t know how to play :) despite of it was my first game. If he hadn’t been boasting about himself while I was installing the game to my computer, I wouldn’t have finished his work so mercilessly and his friends couldn’t have smiled too much to his situation. He humiliated himself about this game. He was boasting about his skills about this game to friends for many years but I haven’t known anything about these conversations.  
Hehe another thing, it is very weird.  I had designed new bracelet lock for my friend, he has jewelry store. My design had gone China nearly 2 months ago and 3 days ago our first prototype came and it was awesome :) it came with my friends rival companies label  /;O) the product was my design but logo and label were different :F 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I don't need mask

I need a medicine to learn words as quick as possible to pretend my mind.  I might try everything if I had a chance. I’m sure it is possible but where is it?  o0o  I have a idea now ( my coin might be square or have a parachute because I could realize now. )  I can ask someone that I know to get good solution as possible :) probably she will say me ‘‘you can drink memory tea.’’  I need to learn how I can learn more fast..

Monday, April 18, 2011


I can say one thing that about my day was empty. I didn’t do anything until now. I found a book, Metamorphosis that we road at class its summary a few days ago. I found it randomly while I was searching to find something before going sleeping to make my end of day worthy.  I thought that I can read this book before shut down but I need something that it will give me energy or motivation to read it. I bought something to drink it while I read my book. It is 70 pages and I won’t sleep by the time I finish all book. I hope  ;))

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I like rainy days

I like rainy days. I can feel smells of plants. I can hear sounds of water drops. Last night I watched ‘The Lord of the Rings’ first movie. It was still fascinating for me. I watch extended version and it was nearly 3.45 hours. ;) I saw Arwen, my dreams presences. I had missed her. If I had started to watch second movie I might have cried. This night I will watch second movie.  It quite long movie and I will start to movie as soon as possible.  If I have a lightning for tonight I can feel myself lucky because natural effects make my movie more excited. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

my day

If you can’t see me in the class tomorrow, probably I will be at hospital or clinicJ. I got a cold and my digestive system fell off.  Now I’m feeling healthy but I can’t move outside because off my stomach ache. Today was amusing for me because I had forgotten when I was sick last time. I ate pills that what I found :) thes pills remembered me my old high school days that I was pretending like sick to makes my family believed my fake illness. The pills were making me high fever and I was staying at home all day to play Atari. I had an Atari, Sega. It was awesome thing for me.  I think my father was realizing my tricks :) Sometimes my father was making me angry because he was a real monster. Actually he impaired my Atari while he was playing. Today I missed my computer. I would play computer game like old days but my regular lap top didn’t allow me to play Crysis warhead. I thought that if I wouldn’t play Crysis, the other games were meaningless and I decided to review my old levels vocabulary words. I had written all words, from books, work sheets, and daily exercises to make a repeat later. I realized that I can remember many of them but I can’t use effectively. This was my day. Now, I will be reading my book until I have sleep. I liked my new book even though it is old book, 1991. Also, today I checked new version of this book but I couldn't find it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring time

          I can get cold. The weather is changing every day. I will wear my winter clothes to protect myself from unstable weather. This morning I was feeling very bad. I tried to go school and I wore my clothes but I changed my decision and I slept my daily clothes in my bed. J Now I have to go laundry to wash my things. This is my first spring at the U.S. Our springs were warm at my country but at N. Y. it sounds like chilly for me.
         I have to be careful for my health and you should do this.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you love animals? How much? HoWWWW?

 We are eating animals when we get hungry. We are wearing animals when we want to buy new something. We are using animals to put enjoy in our lives. We are locking up animals to sell their pictures for tourists. We are killing animals to live or make more money. We are stealing their Children to feed at our home. We are stealing their homes to live. We are killing them for fun. We are dressing these animal like humans. we are using seas like sewage recycling center................................

What is the main idea that we can do all of these acts or we can find this power to make it at ourselves? What are our differences? Are they just stuff or object for us? Who gave these live things’ controls to kill or steal their life to us? Do you want to watch that one cow eat your child in front of your eyes? ????????????????

According to biologists we are animal too like them. They can think or feel like us they know what does it mean sadness or happiness or worth of their children. These animals have families, children, homes or loves like us. ………………

            They are just miracle for us…
     Are you ****ohne intelligente*** or what ?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

i would not eat these tomatoes

I didn't get hungry today. I couldn't understand why it happened but i didn't eat anything. I ate only 2 apples and 1 banana to don't become weak situation, that's all. i was alone all day at home. every passing day i 'm getting more bored :)) i want to flee for my home at summer time but i don't know how it could be possible at my situation. i'm so confused nowadays. Spring is affecting me to run away. I like springs it makes everywhere enjoyable.

Monday, April 4, 2011

This life makes me angry

I know I will die. Everyday I'm learning something and this desire makes me more curious. I can't stop myself and I know each time I'm deceiving some pieces of my life because of this situation. Sort of all, real issue I missed my friends. :(((( I will visit my friends this summer. Some of my friend’s picture is here. I'm in afraid because I didn't see some of them for 3 years . I know they changed like me in a time. Some of them were married... I want to stop time. This life makes me angry every passing day more and more. What will earn after all of these efforts or sacrifices? 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

today was a terrible day

Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.Today was a terrible day.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yesterday I changed my birthday date on Facebook and…. My all best best best friends celebrate my birthday. They sent me mails or comments from facebook and from my other communication points.  :))))) This technology sometimes can control our lives and relationships. Everything is becoming automatic ships. My best best best friends run to be first to celebrate my birthday. It was very very very amusing for me. I talked with them nearly 4 or 5 hours after school. Only one of them said *what the … Engin didn’t smile to life today ** are you crazy or something. and  groooAWAWAwaa   hehehe . Everybody suddenly got offline. Ehehe I’m waiting their attack. We have a discrepancy that I love using computer but they live in computer. J)) I convinced my cousins. It was awesome they felt something but didn’t insist about. We talked many old stories.i missed my friends, so tomorrow i will talk about my friends .

:D   today,  Janna hugged me at international fair to celebrate my birthdayJ)).  Yeah Janna’s situation was so cute and friendly. I liked. She was real victim today. My friends who were run to say hi were sheep and I was a Fox which one has a 9 tail.

My real birthday is Feb 12th. I’m a characteristic Aquarius and my rising sign is too Aquarius.  Be careful if you are around me. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I like this man. He has many ideas which one is most rational ideas between scientists. He is a leader of many projects on the world. Actually he is deciding to us which one is good or which one is bad thing for earth future.  For example with Dr. Kaku’s leader, some scientists developed new kind of processor to communicate between people and computers. If I use this cheap in my brain, I could learn what I read or see. If I have this cheap, I would not forget anything during my life but he said that this is not good for our social balance. Teachers, students or patients could use this cheap but we have to thing bad guys.., killers, assassins, thieves …. If this bad people get this kind of abilities how can we live without fear. How shall we know them that they are killers? 

these are typic videos

Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 thing about me

 I chose (random choices) 5 pictures from my friend’s social pages which one is tagged about me. I believe that these pictures might be describing my friends’ feels about me on their eyes or characterize me. 

First picture comes from Terminator Evaluation. This picture is explaining why I love this kind of movies. These are my dreams or expectations from future. The second picture comes from One Piece that you know what it means for me.
 I love these colors and their combinations with manga draws. I love stories of unidentifiable legends to watch.

A third picture comes from online web sites. This is my high score (ZOZ is mine nickname). I love this game. It has an easy interface (also little children can play this game) but you need to be strong skills (resolute, open mind, fast, willed, imaginativeness…brutal reflex) to play more than 1 or 1.2 minutes, at nightmare difficulty. 

Fourth picture is about flowers. I like flowers and pictures. This is combinations of two of them that describe everything what color is my ship. Yes, finally. Last picture is…  You know what I mean. Bike is my health and future. Thing is that given directions to live this life for me. I'm listening music (ABC Opera channel), story of one man who had in love with one flower, Aphelandra. I had this flower at my home before my rabbit Harry ate them but I think this opera singer don’t talk about just this beautiful flower.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

little finger cut

This morning I cut my finger. It was so little and unnecessary cut. It bled a few minutes and stopped. I used to plaster to cover to keep clean my finger. This little cut on my left index finger became my fun in the day. I tried to no use my finger while I was doing something.  Not too much just a few minutes ago I felt hungry and I decided to cook pasta to eat. :D I poured my food in kitchen sink because of my clumsiness. :D  I thought people who haven’t fingers because of my little cut. It made me disturbed. Now I’m trying again to cook pasta. I’m thinking disabled people who have no arm or hand.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

? oheng


Hey! My friends! Why don't you follow each other? If we follow each other we can see our blogs one by one with every moves so we don't need to look Elaine's blog to make a comment. Just find friends and click the follow icon. It’s very easy to connect people and more comfortable to search between pages.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Full m0On

 It was really bigger than usual one. It was nearly 14% bigger and 30% brighter. I really like this giant star around of the world. It was presenting amazing landscapes in our lives and it will do forever. :D I hope. It is my friend at dark nights when I travel my bikes.