Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 thing about me

 I chose (random choices) 5 pictures from my friend’s social pages which one is tagged about me. I believe that these pictures might be describing my friends’ feels about me on their eyes or characterize me. 

First picture comes from Terminator Evaluation. This picture is explaining why I love this kind of movies. These are my dreams or expectations from future. The second picture comes from One Piece that you know what it means for me.
 I love these colors and their combinations with manga draws. I love stories of unidentifiable legends to watch.

A third picture comes from online web sites. This is my high score (ZOZ is mine nickname). I love this game. It has an easy interface (also little children can play this game) but you need to be strong skills (resolute, open mind, fast, willed, imaginativeness…brutal reflex) to play more than 1 or 1.2 minutes, at nightmare difficulty. 

Fourth picture is about flowers. I like flowers and pictures. This is combinations of two of them that describe everything what color is my ship. Yes, finally. Last picture is…  You know what I mean. Bike is my health and future. Thing is that given directions to live this life for me. I'm listening music (ABC Opera channel), story of one man who had in love with one flower, Aphelandra. I had this flower at my home before my rabbit Harry ate them but I think this opera singer don’t talk about just this beautiful flower.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting combination of interests! I'm not sure I understand the first one. Does it have to do with the Terminator movies? I love the bicycle made out of vegetables, and the One Piece picture is beautiful.
