Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Techno life

              Lately I started hating technology because it is developing very fast. (Don’t believe that. I’m in love with technology ;P) For example I want to buy new technologic product like cell phone. I’m choosing good one and after 3 days new tech cell phones reviews are excitedly publishing on the web pages. Androids, smart phones, 3D phones and now 3D holographic smart phones coming. What is next one? I think it could be Telepathic communication servers but we have to wait long time. (At best I have 70 years) People can communicate with other people on using these servers but we need new kinds of technologic chips in our brain to use our telepathic energy which we have. (If scientists permit that I will be first)

This is not only my idea. This is common sight (consensus) of scientist in the world. (Ok. I’m confessing. I want to be scientist who one is good  ;D ) I can develop this technology if Theoretical physics Professor Michio Kaku doesn’t live. I really love this man. He has unbelievable futuristic ideas between human and machines relationship. Also I can do because he has been spending a lot of time in the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). I hope that he lost his way in the narrow corridor of CERN. (No. No, no I don’t want) I know this man from my child time. I was watching his theories about future’s technologies on the TV. Nearly we have everything that what he said for next 10 years.

Long story short If I wait 1 months more to buy a new phone, I will buy the new generation unintelligent John’s Phone.  (Nooo! I would not do that.)  It had designed by John Doe, in Netherlands in order that be the world’s most simple phone. If you want to save your friend number you need paper and pen to save it because it is incompetent phone in the world and just € 69. 


  1. If you were like me, you wouldn't have these problems. You would buy the least sophisticated technology and never think about getting a better piece of equipment until the one I had broke!

  2. I'm sorry for your phone but I'm better than you :D because I have not been using cell-phone for a year.

  3. Really? It must be hard to function without a phone. Why have you chosen not to use one?
